Source code for

# No shebang line. This module is meant to be imported.

# Copyright 2010. Luis Artola. All rights reserved.

# $URL: file:///svn/restblog/trunk/src/python/restblog/ $
# $Date: 2010-07-31 14:27:54 -0700 (Sat, 31 Jul 2010) $
# $Revision: 186 $
# History:
# 2010.06.30 lartola    Initial working version

Functions to transform and manipulate a restblog post from XHTML.

:copyright: Copyright 2010 Luis Artola.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.

import os
import subprocess
import tempfile
from xml.etree import ElementTree

import restblog2html

[docs]def createFormattedPost( file_name ): '''createFormattedPost( file_name ) -> str Translates the given `file_name` into an XHTML document. Parameters: - file_name: Input file with a post in reStructuredText format. Returns the name of a file with the XHTML document. ''' output_file, output_file_name = tempfile.mkstemp( prefix='restblog_', suffix='.html' ) os.close( output_file ) arguments = [ file_name, output_file_name ] restblog2html.main( arguments ) return output_file_name
[docs]def getPostContents( file_name ): '''getPostContents( file_name ) -> ( `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element`, dict ) Extracts the relevant portions of the post from the given XHTML `file_name`. Parameters: - file_name: Name of the XHTML input file name. Returns a tuple with the following values: - An `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` that contains the post metadata. This is basically the options extracted from the ``.. restblog::`` directive stored in the input reStructuredText file used to produce the given XHTML `file_name`. See `restblog.directives.restblogheader` for more information. - A dictionary with the actual portion of the XHTML document that contains the post contents. Contains the following keys: - title: str - description: str - mt_excerpt: str - mt_text_more: str - mt_keywords: list - categories: list ''' # The input XHTML as generated by restblog uses namespaces namespace = '' body_tag = str( ElementTree.QName( namespace, 'body' ) ) div_tag = str( ElementTree.QName( namespace, 'div' ) ) # Parse document for tearing it apart easily document = ElementTree.parse( file_name ) body = document.find( body_tag ) # Find tags with special meaning for restblog nodes = document.getiterator( div_tag ) metadata_node = None full_story_sentinel = None full_story_sentinel_index = 0 for index, node in enumerate( nodes ): if node.attrib.get( 'name' ) == 'restblogmetadata': metadata_node = node elif node.attrib.get( 'name' ) == 'restblogfullstory': full_story_sentinel = node full_story_sentinel_index = index if metadata_node is None: raise RuntimeError, 'Unable to find restblog metadata in the formated post.' metadata = ElementTree.XML( metadata_node.text ) # Extract actual contents of the post title = metadata.attrib.get( 'title' ) if not title: name, extension = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( file_name ) ) title = name categories = metadata.attrib.get( 'categories', [] ) if categories: categories = map( str.strip, categories.split( ',' ) ) tags = metadata.attrib.get( 'tags', [] ) if tags: tags = map( str.strip, tags.split( ',' ) ) # Translate XHTML portions we actually care about body = body.find( div_tag ) removeLineBreaksFromElement( body ) if metadata_node is not None: body.remove( metadata_node ) if full_story_sentinel is not None: comment = ElementTree.Comment( 'more' ) body.insert( full_story_sentinel_index, comment ) body.remove( full_story_sentinel ) post = ElementTree.tostring( body ) # Remove any namespace notation from tags and translate special tags post = post.replace( '<html:', '<' ) post = post.replace( '</html:', '</' ) post = post.replace( '<!-- more -->', '<!--more-->' ) post = post.strip() # Build contents as expected by the metaWeblog.newPost API method contents = dict( title=title, description=post, mt_excerpt='', mt_text_more='', mt_keywords=tags, categories=categories, ) return metadata, contents
def removeLineBreaksFromElement( element ): '''removeLineBreaksFromElement( element ) Removes line breaks from text in paragraphs that is not preformatted. For some reason, Wordpress appears to be - incorrectly IMHO, replacing new-line characters with an actual line break, i.e. <br /> Needless to say, that just goes against what straight HTML would do, i.e. text in paragraphs does not respect line breaks and it's rendered as one contiguous line, e.g.:: <p>one two three four five six</p> Should be rendered as:: one two three four five six Not:: one<br /> two three<br /> four five six Simply because it is a <p/> element not <pre/>. In any event, this function removes all line breaks and turns multiline paragraphs into a single running line of text. Parameters: - element: An `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` whose text will be stripped off new-line characters. ''' def removeLineBreaks( text ): if text is None: return text lines = text.split( '\n' ) text = ' '.join( lines ) return text namespace = '' p_tag = str( ElementTree.QName( namespace, 'p' ) ) paragraphs = element.findall( p_tag ) for paragraph in paragraphs: paragraph.text = removeLineBreaks( paragraph.text ) paragraph.tail = removeLineBreaks( paragraph.tail ) for child in paragraph.getchildren(): child.text = removeLineBreaks( child.text ) child.tail = removeLineBreaks( child.tail ) def updateSourceMetadata( file_name, metadata ): '''updateSourceMetadata( file_name, metadata ) Parameters: - file_name: File to the source post in reStructuredText to be updated. - metadata: An `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` representing all the values that describe a post. This maps to all the options to the ``.. restblog::`` directive. ''' before, restblog, after = splitSourceAtRestblogDirective( file_name ) restblog = buildRestblogFromMetadata( metadata ) lines = before + restblog + after file = open( file_name, 'w' ) file.writelines( lines ) file.close() def splitSourceAtRestblogDirective( file_name ): '''splitSourceAtRestblogDirective( file_name ) -> ( list, list, list ) Locates the block containing a ``.. restblog::`` directive and splits the contents. Returns the block of lines before, the restblog block and the lines after it. I'm sure there is a better way, but given the structure of a reStructuredText document, let's take a naive approach and scan the file to update the lines starting with ``.. restblog::`` and the contiguous lines before an empty line with the given metadata, e.g.:: .. restblog:: :title: Some title here :source: yes Parameters: - file_name: File to the source post in reStructuredText to split. Returns a tuple of three lists with the lines before the directive, the directive itself and after it. ''' file = open( file_name, 'r' ) lines = file.readlines() file.close() before = [] restblog = [] after = [] extracting = False for index, line in enumerate( lines ): if not extracting: if '.. restblog::' in line: extracting = True restblog.append( line ) else: before.append( line ) else: if line.strip(): restblog.append( line ) else: # we've reached the end of the directive as indicated by an # empty line. extracting = False after = lines[index+1:] break return before, restblog, after def buildRestblogFromMetadata( metadata ): '''buildRestblogFromMetadata( metadata ) -> list Recreates a ``.. restblog::`` directive from the given `metadata`. Parameters: - metadata: An `xml.etree.ElementTree.Element` with all the values to describe a post. Returns a list of strings. ''' lines = [ '.. restblog::\n' ] for key, value in sorted( metadata.attrib.items() ): line = ' :%(key)s: %(value)s\n' % locals() lines.append( line ) lines.append( '\n' ) return lines