Source code for restblog.commandline
# No shebang line. This module is meant to be imported.
# Copyright 2010. Luis Artola. All rights reserved.
# $URL: file:///svn/restblog/trunk/src/python/restblog/ $
# $Date: 2010-07-31 14:27:54 -0700 (Sat, 31 Jul 2010) $
# $Revision: 186 $
# History:
# 2010.06.24 lartola Initial working version
Command-line interface to restblog.
:copyright: Copyright 2010 Luis Artola.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE.txt for details.
import glob
import imp
from optparse import OptionParser
import os
from logger import logger
def getCommandsRoot():
'''getCommandsRoot() -> str
Returns absolute path to the ``commands`` directory inside the ``restblog``
package. Note that this is *not* a Python subpackage, it is just a plain
root = os.path.dirname( __file__ )
directory = os.path.join( root, 'commands' )
return directory
def getCommandNames():
'''getCommandNames() -> list
Returns a list of string with then names of all the subcommands available
for the ``restblog`` executable. Subcommands are simple Python modules
inside the ``restblog/commands`` *directory*.
root = getCommandsRoot()
pattern = os.path.join( root, '*.py' )
files = glob.glob( pattern )
names = []
for file in files:
name, extension = os.path.splitext( os.path.basename( file ) )
if name != 'restblog':
names.append( name )
return names
[docs]def loadCommandByName( name ):
'''loadCommandByName( name ) -> module
Locates and imports a restblog subcommand by the given `name`.
Subcommands can be imported programmatically like this::
>>> import restblog.commandline
>>> command = restblog.commandline.loadCommandByName( 'list' )
>>> '--last=10' )
Returns a module object.
root = getCommandsRoot()
file, file_name, description = imp.find_module( name, [ root ] )
module = imp.load_module( name, file, file_name, description )
return module
[docs]def run( arguments ):
'''run( arguments )
Parses and executes the given command-line `arguments`.
- arguments: A list of strings representing the command-line arguments
to the ``restblog`` executable, e.g. ``sys.argv[1:]``
names = getCommandNames()
if arguments and arguments[0] in names:
# We are invoking a subcommand, e.g. restblog list
name = arguments[0]
arguments = arguments[1:]
# Running main command by itself, i.e. restblog
name = 'restblog'
command = loadCommandByName( name ) arguments )
except Exception, ex:
logger.error( 'Unable to execute %(name)s command.', locals() )
logger.error( 'Details: %(ex)s', locals() )
print 'Type \'restblog %(name)s --help\' for usage.' % locals()